Microsoft Excel Tutorials: Including Free Practice Exercises!

Right below you find +100 Excel-tutorials. All tutorials are super practical and include free exercises.
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How to Use the SLOPE Function in Excel (Examples)


How to Use the SLOPE Function in Excel (Examples) The SLOPE function in Excel is a powerful statistical function that lets you calculate the linear regressing through a set of data points 🧾 It essentially helps you understand how the changes in one variable are related to the changes in another variable. You [...]

How to Use the SLOPE Function in Excel (Examples)2024-09-03T08:58:19+00:00

How to Copy Excel Table Into Word (Works Every Time)


How to Copy Excel Table into Word (Works Every Time) Integrating data between Excel and Word can enhance efficiency and professionalism in a report. By copying Excel’s tables into Word, you get the chance to leverage Excel’s astounding data cleaning and calculation powers combined with Word’s robust document formatting 🎨 In this tutorial, [...]

How to Copy Excel Table Into Word (Works Every Time)2024-08-29T14:30:33+00:00

How to Copy Data From One Excel Sheet to Another


How to Copy Data From One Excel Sheet to Another Copying data from one Excel sheet to another is a core task that we need to use often. Being able to move data among sheets is a crucial skill whether you are consolidating data, preparing reports or adding a new perspective to the [...]

How to Copy Data From One Excel Sheet to Another2024-08-29T14:40:55+00:00

How to Switch First and Last Name in Excel (Easily)


How to Switch First and Last Names in Excel (Easily) Got a long list of names populated in Excel that looks like plain first and last names? Do you want to switch the First Name and Last name in Excel? In a blink? You are in the right place 📝 Switching first and [...]

How to Switch First and Last Name in Excel (Easily)2024-08-29T14:32:42+00:00

How to Subtract Multiple Cells in Excel (Easy Method)


How to Subtract Multiple Cells in Excel (Easy Method) Excel is a powerful spreadsheet tool that’s used all around the globe for managing and storing data, performing calculations, and analyzing information. Out of all the versatility and advanced features that it offers, the ability to perform arithmetic operations is fundamental. Subtraction, a basic [...]

How to Subtract Multiple Cells in Excel (Easy Method)2024-08-29T14:33:47+00:00

How to Insert a Button in Excel (That Looks Awesome)


How to Insert a Button in Excel (That Looks Awesome) Ever thought about adding buttons to the face of your spreadsheet? Inserting buttons in Excel can significantly enhance the interactivity and functionality of your worksheets. Plus point: it looks cool 😎 You can create buttons in Excel using simple shapes and by leveraging [...]

How to Insert a Button in Excel (That Looks Awesome)2024-08-29T14:35:09+00:00

How to Filter Multiple Columns in Excel (Easy Way)


How to Filter Multiple Columns in Excel When it comes to data management and analysis, Excel truly is incomparable. One of its most powerful features is its Filter which lets you focus only on the parts of information you want. However, you understand the true power of Excel’s filter when you need to [...]

How to Filter Multiple Columns in Excel (Easy Way)2024-08-29T14:45:54+00:00

How to Refresh a Pivot Table in Excel (Step-by-Step)


How to Refresh a Pivot Table in Excel Pivot table is a powerful Excel tool that lets you analyze, transform and present large data sets in a concise and composed manner 📄 However, working with large datasets often requires tweaks like applying a different formula or adding more details. This change made in [...]

How to Refresh a Pivot Table in Excel (Step-by-Step)2024-08-31T17:32:14+00:00

How to Lock an Excel Spreadsheet From Editing (Fast)


How to Lock an Excel Spreadsheet From Editing (Fast) Since Excel is an excellent spreadsheet software used all around the globe for data storing and crunching, the safety of data stored into it is of utmost importance. You can ensure the safety of data within your Excel sheets by protecting these sheets for [...]

How to Lock an Excel Spreadsheet From Editing (Fast)2024-08-29T14:46:57+00:00

How to Make A Pivot Chart in Excel (Step-by-Step)


How to Make a Pivot Chart in Excel Creating a pivot chart in Excel is an excellent way to summarize and visualize large sets of data. Pivot charts make data analysis so much easier as they quickly identify patterns and insights. Pivot charts are preferred to other charts as they are dynamic - [...]

How to Make A Pivot Chart in Excel (Step-by-Step)2024-08-29T14:47:27+00:00