Microsoft Excel Tutorials: Including Free Practice Exercises!

Right below you find +100 Excel-tutorials. All tutorials are super practical and include free exercises.
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How to Pull Data from Another Sheet in Excel (Easily)


How to Pull Data from Another Sheet in Excel (Easily) Got your data sitting in one sheet, and now you want to pull the same to another Excel sheet. Don't tell me you've resorted to copying and pasting it between both the sheets manually. Because if you’re doing so, you’re not making the [...]

How to Pull Data from Another Sheet in Excel (Easily)2024-09-03T07:17:21+00:00

How to Count Duplicates in Excel (Words & Values)


How to Count Duplicates in Excel (Words & Values) Counting duplicates in Excel is a common task you may need to do multiple times for a data set. Excel offers a variety of ways you can use to count and remove duplicates values in your data set from conditional formatting to using VBA [...]

How to Count Duplicates in Excel (Words & Values)2024-08-29T14:06:55+00:00

How to Cut Off Text in Excel (Keep Text in Cell)


How to Cut Off Text in Excel (Keep Text in Cell) When working with large data sets, you might often come across text that exceeds the boundaries of the cell and trespasses into those adjacent to it. Truncating text within a cell while keeping the content intact is often necessary to keep your [...]

How to Cut Off Text in Excel (Keep Text in Cell)2024-08-29T14:09:09+00:00

How to Make a Frequency Table in Excel (Easy Method)


How to Make a Frequency Table in Excel (Easy Method) Knowing how to create a frequency table is an essential skill when comparing and analyzing data. As the name suggests, the frequency table lets you see the distribution of values in your data set by showing the number of times each value repeats [...]

How to Make a Frequency Table in Excel (Easy Method)2024-08-29T14:09:40+00:00

How to Delete Hidden Rows in Excel (The Right Way)


How to Delete Hidden Rows in Excel (The Right Way) Hidden rows can be a reason for confusion and mistakes when working with a large data set. Regardless of why and how you hid the rows, they can be a pain to deal with when making data analysis. You need to know how [...]

How to Delete Hidden Rows in Excel (The Right Way)2025-01-15T14:02:44+00:00

How to Add Line of Best Fit in Excel (Easy Method)


How to Add Line of Best Fit in Excel (Easy Method) If you want to identify trends and patterns in your data set and make predictions based on them, adding a line of best fit in Excel is your way to go. It plays a pivotal role in data analysis and visualization and [...]

How to Add Line of Best Fit in Excel (Easy Method)2024-08-29T14:14:29+00:00

How to Switch Between Sheets in Excel (FAST!)


How to Switch Between Sheets in Excel (FAST!) Excel allows users to have 255 sheets in a single workbook. That’s a big number 🤯 Microsoft Excel is undisputedly the king of spreadsheets for storing and managing data. However, besides storing data, switching between these many sheets frequently might get very exhausting [...]

How to Switch Between Sheets in Excel (FAST!)2024-08-29T14:55:04+00:00

How to Create an Org Chart in Excel (That Looks Great)


How to Create an Org Chart in Excel (That Looks Great) Creating a visually appealing org chart can take your Excel data to a whole different level. It improves the overall look of your organizational structure. A well-structured org chart can help clarify roles, and reporting lines within the team. It makes understanding [...]

How to Create an Org Chart in Excel (That Looks Great)2024-08-29T14:15:57+00:00

How to Import Data Into Excel (Without Errors)


How to Import Data Into Excel (Without Errors) Importing data in Excel is an essential task one needs to be familiar with when working with large data sets whether for academic research, personal projects or business reports 📑 The import process is quite simple but Excel often throws errors while importing. These errors [...]

How to Import Data Into Excel (Without Errors)2024-08-29T14:16:37+00:00

How to Create a Schedule in Excel (Daily, Weekly & Work)


How to Create a Schedule in Excel (Daily, Weekly & Work) Creating a schedule in Excel is an efficient way to manage your time and ensure you meet your period goals and fulfil work commitments 🧐 Excel’s powerful features let you create outstanding customized schedules tailored specifically to your needs. You can make [...]

How to Create a Schedule in Excel (Daily, Weekly & Work)2024-08-29T14:17:16+00:00