Microsoft Excel Tutorials: Including Free Practice Exercises!

Right below you find +100 Excel-tutorials. All tutorials are super practical and include free exercises.
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How to Save a Copy of an Excel File (Original Intact)


How to Save a Copy of an Excel File (Original Intact) Learning how to save a copy of an Excel file is an important skill. 💡 It can save you time and effort while ensuring your original data is safe. Whether you want to keep a copy of your original file or share [...]

How to Save a Copy of an Excel File (Original Intact)2024-08-28T10:14:48+00:00

How to Embed a File in Excel (Document & Attachment)


How to Embed a File in Excel (Document & Attachment) Embedding in Excel is a powerful feature that lets you integrate different types of files directly into your Excel worksheet in less than two minutes ✌ Excel lets you embed files from different platforms which helps in maintaining project documentation, organizing extensive data [...]

How to Embed a File in Excel (Document & Attachment)2024-08-29T15:18:47+00:00

How to Insert Dates in Excel Automatically (Easily)


How to Insert Dates in Excel Automatically (Easily) Learning how to automatically insert dates will definitely boost your Excel efficiency. 🚀 This allows you to save time and effort from manually inserting dates, and make sure that your data entries are accurate and consistent in your Excel spreadsheet. 😀 In this tutorial, you’ll [...]

How to Insert Dates in Excel Automatically (Easily)2024-08-29T15:20:02+00:00

How to Sort Numbers in Excel (Lowest to Highest, etc.)


How to Sort Numbers in Excel (Lowest to Highest, etc.) Microsoft Excel allows you not only to store data in your worksheet but also to organize them. One of many ways to organize your data is by sorting them. You can sort data by specifying criteria such as cell values, cell color, font [...]

How to Sort Numbers in Excel (Lowest to Highest, etc.)2024-08-29T15:20:32+00:00

How to Lock Columns in Excel (Step-by-Step Tutorial)


How to Lock Columns in Excel (Step-by-Step Tutorial) Learning how to lock columns in Excel is important for data accuracy and security✅ It means your columns are protected from accidental edits or deletion, especially when you’re sharing your Excel files and working with the team. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to lock [...]

How to Lock Columns in Excel (Step-by-Step Tutorial)2024-08-29T15:20:57+00:00

How to Delete Columns in Excel (The Right Way)


How to Delete Columns in Excel (The Right Way) You may be thinking that the way to delete columns in Excel is to highlight the columns you want to delete and press the delete button on your keyboard. That’s not quite right. ❌ In this article, we’ll show you different ways how to [...]

How to Delete Columns in Excel (The Right Way)2024-08-29T15:21:25+00:00

How to Move Cells in Excel: Easy Step-by-Step Guide


How to Move Cells in Excel: Easy Step-by-Step Guide Moving cells is one of the most basic things users do in their Excel spreadsheets. It allows users to easily edit and rearrange data to make their worksheets look more organized. If you’re a beginner in Excel, you’re in the right place. In this [...]

How to Move Cells in Excel: Easy Step-by-Step Guide2025-01-15T13:52:36+00:00

How to Color Cells in Excel (Many Examples Explained)


How to Color Cells in Excel (Many Examples Explained) Coloring cells in Excel is an everyday task and can improve the readability and visual appeal of your worksheet immensely. Excel offers a variety of methods to color cells as you want, whether you want to color a row based on some rule or [...]

How to Color Cells in Excel (Many Examples Explained)2024-08-29T15:21:50+00:00

How to Create Multiple Selections Drop Down List in Excel


How to Create Multiple Selections Drop-Down List in Excel Drop-down lists are an excellent data validation tool of Excel that allows you to restrict the input in cells. In a drop-down list, you can specify options of your choice and restrict the users to input data from these options only. With the evolution [...]

How to Create Multiple Selections Drop Down List in Excel2024-08-29T15:22:17+00:00

How to Make a Bell Curve in Excel (Step-by-Step Guide)


How to Make a Bell Curve in Excel (Step-by-Step Guide) A bell curve is also known as a normal distribution curve that looks like a bell. It represents the normal distribution phenomenon of data. To create it, you need to have the mean and standard deviation of a dataset together with the normal [...]

How to Make a Bell Curve in Excel (Step-by-Step Guide)2024-08-29T15:22:49+00:00