Microsoft Excel Tutorials: Including Free Practice Exercises!

Right below you find +100 Excel-tutorials. All tutorials are super practical and include free exercises.
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How to Remove a Checkbox in Excel (Easy Method)


How to Remove a Checkbox in Excel (Easy Method) The checkbox functionality of Excel is a wow feature. You can insert checkboxes into your Excel sheet from the developer tab and link it to specific cells allowing conditional results and real-time data updates. With checkboxes, you can create interactive worksheets, survey forms, and [...]

How to Remove a Checkbox in Excel (Easy Method)2024-08-29T14:47:58+00:00

How to Convert a Table to a Range in Excel (Easily)


How to Convert a Table to a Range in Excel (Easily) Excel table is one of the many useful functionalities of Excel that allows data structuring, managing, updating, and extension in an easier manner. Once you've created a table, you may want to remove it and convert your data into an ordinary cell [...]

How to Convert a Table to a Range in Excel (Easily)2024-08-29T14:48:27+00:00

How to Remove a Header in Excel (Fast & Easy)


How to Remove a Header in Excel (Fast & Easy) Headers are added to Excel sheets to add more value to the data in Excel (especially when printed). They appear on the top of each sheet (can be the same for all or different first page etc.). You'd see them around generally with [...]

How to Remove a Header in Excel (Fast & Easy)2024-08-29T14:49:00+00:00

How to Delete Multiple Rows in Excel (The Right Way)


How to Delete Multiple Rows in Excel (The Right Way) Deleting rows in Microsoft Excel is a prevalent thing if you use this giant spreadsheet software to store and manage your data. However, manually picking out each row and then deleting it individually might not be an effective option, especially if you’re dealing [...]

How to Delete Multiple Rows in Excel (The Right Way)2024-08-29T14:53:58+00:00

How to Remove Duplicate Rows in Excel (The Right Way)


How to Remove Duplicate Rows in Excel (The Right Way) Working with large datasets in Excel often involves dealing with duplicate rows which can be a tiresome task to eliminate. To maintain data quality in your spreadsheet, you need to remove all duplicate values whether you are storing customer records or tracking inventory [...]

How to Remove Duplicate Rows in Excel (The Right Way)2024-08-29T14:54:31+00:00

How to Zoom In and Out in Excel (Change It Fast)


How to Zoom in and out in Excel (Change It Fast) Hi there – Excel experts like you understand how important it is to zoom in and out of an Excel window as and when needed, right? Microsoft Excel is one of the best spreadsheet software based on how seamlessly it stores tons [...]

How to Zoom In and Out in Excel (Change It Fast)2024-08-29T14:55:01+00:00

How to Add a Degree Symbol in Excel (Fast)


How to Add a Degree Symbol in Excel (Fast) A degree symbol is a small circle on the top right of a character. It denotes the temperature units like Celsius and Fahrenheit 🌡 Have you ever wondered how to add a degree symbol in Excel? Look around your keyboard, and you will [...]

How to Add a Degree Symbol in Excel (Fast)2024-08-29T14:55:40+00:00

How to Highlight a Row in Excel (All Scenarios Shown)


How to Highlight a Row in Excel (All Scenarios Shown) Highlighting rows in Excel allows you to quickly identify key information in your data and make analysis a quick process 😃 Adding color to your worksheet also improves readability and makes it look more appealing. There are various techniques for highlighting rows in [...]

How to Highlight a Row in Excel (All Scenarios Shown)2024-08-29T14:56:12+00:00

How to Delete Every Other Row in Excel (Fast & Easy)


How to Delete Every Other Row in Excel (Fast & Easy) While deleting a row is quite simple, deleting every other row in Excel can be time-consuming, especially when you’re working with large data sets. 😩 You need to manually select the alternate rows to delete them. But nobody’s got time for that. [...]

How to Delete Every Other Row in Excel (Fast & Easy)2024-08-29T15:17:42+00:00

How to Keep Top Row Visible When Scrolling in Excel


How to Keep Top Row Visible When Scrolling in Excel When scrolling through large datasets in your Excel worksheet, you sometimes forget what kind of data is contained in your columns. You have to scroll all the way up just to know the title of a particular column and scroll down again. It’s [...]

How to Keep Top Row Visible When Scrolling in Excel2024-08-29T15:18:19+00:00